
I am an independent consultant, lecturer and researcher.

I have worked as a consultant since 1987. My principle area of consulting concerns change management related to complex issues in organizations. I work both in the private sector and in the public sector. A substantial part of this work takes place in an international context. I am an associate partner of Twynstra Gudde Management Consultants where I head a knowledge center on ‘change management’.

I professionalize change agents both in company and in university programs. I am an associate partner of Sioo, Inter-university Centre for Development in Organizational Studies and Change Management, where I share responsibility for running a postgraduate program ‘Advanced Change Methodologies’ for experienced change agents since 2003.

As a researcher I received honors for PhD research on innovation around complex issues. The corresponding publication ‘Enjoying Tough Issues’ received the ‘best book’ award of the Professional Association of Management Consultants in the Netherlands. My present research focuses on ‘extraordinary practices’ in organizations.

I frequently lecture and publish. This adds up to over a hundred publications on subjects like change, learning, systems thinking and research, which received several publication awards. Some of these are in English, including the handbook ‘Learning to Change; A Guide for Organization Change Agents’.

If you want to know more, you can read something about my background or about what I typically contribute regardless the type assignments. This translates more down to earth in the services I render, my affiliations and especially the concepts and cases covered in my publications. For such information, surf the corresponding parts of this site.